Duties and Taxes (DDU and DDP)

**Understanding DDU and DDP - Taxes and Duties**
Each country has their own rules and laws relating the collection of taxes from items purchased over the internet. Where I can I, take the burden of this for you, my international customers but this is not always possible or realistic.
**DDU** means Delivered Duties Unpaid. This means that if your country charges duties and other taxes on the item you are purchasing, you will be required to pay these on receipt of your goods. Some countries charge taxes on my products, some don't. But it's up to you to do the research on this before choosing a DDU free postage option from me.
**DDP** means Delivered Duties Paid. This means that the courier company charges me (the shipper) extra money to cover the taxes and government charges on the product.
Countries with deliveries **DDP** are:
* Australia - F, S, E
* The United States of America - S, E
* New Zealand - E
* United Kingdom - F, S, E
(F - Free Post, S - Standard Post, E - Express Post)
For more information on Taxes and Duties per country please check this article: Information on International Duties and Taxes.
Canada - [Importing by Mail or Courier](https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/postal-postale/dtytx-drttx-eng.html)
New Zealand - [Send and Receive Items from Overseas](https://www.customs.govt.nz/personal/send-and-receive-items/receive-items-from-overseas/)
UK - [Tax and Customs from Goods sent from Abroad](https://www.gov.uk/goods-sent-from-abroad)
United States - [Internet Purchases](https://www.cbp.gov/trade/basic-import-export/internet-purchases)
Each country has their own rules and laws relating the collection of taxes from items purchased over the internet. Where I can I, take the burden of this for you, my international customers but this is not always possible or realistic.
**DDU** means Delivered Duties Unpaid. This means that if your country charges duties and other taxes on the item you are purchasing, you will be required to pay these on receipt of your goods. Some countries charge taxes on my products, some don't. But it's up to you to do the research on this before choosing a DDU free postage option from me.
**DDP** means Delivered Duties Paid. This means that the courier company charges me (the shipper) extra money to cover the taxes and government charges on the product.
Countries with deliveries **DDP** are:
* Australia - F, S, E
* The United States of America - S, E
* New Zealand - E
* United Kingdom - F, S, E
(F - Free Post, S - Standard Post, E - Express Post)
For more information on Taxes and Duties per country please check this article: Information on International Duties and Taxes.
Canada - [Importing by Mail or Courier](https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/postal-postale/dtytx-drttx-eng.html)
New Zealand - [Send and Receive Items from Overseas](https://www.customs.govt.nz/personal/send-and-receive-items/receive-items-from-overseas/)
UK - [Tax and Customs from Goods sent from Abroad](https://www.gov.uk/goods-sent-from-abroad)
United States - [Internet Purchases](https://www.cbp.gov/trade/basic-import-export/internet-purchases)